7 Jul 2017

Mature Trees and Little Acorns

We see the Grands each week.  Sometimes, twice a week.  I see them on a Friday, and Sarah sees them on a Monday.  Sometimes, Sarah comes with me, and sometimes, I go with her.

Today, Sarah and her little Acorns joined me.

The Grands catch a community cab from their residential care home which takes them straight into town.  The cab is pre-booked.  Even so - there is often confusion as to what time the driver will pick them up.  Grandpa is in the foyer about an hour before the driver is due, which is odd - sort of a role reversal, as Granny is the one that has always been "... on time if not before time..."

"I'm not going to wait in that breezy foyer with its automatic doors and people to-and-fro-ing, Helen.  I prefer to wait in my room, where it's warm.  Trouble is - I tend to nod off while I'm waiting and then it's a mad rush to get my jacket on and get to the car..."

The Grands usually arrive in the mall about an hour before we get there, which is ideal, as they enjoy doing a bit of shopping at the supermarket.  We meet mid-day-ish at a local cafe.

"What would you like to eat, Gran?"

"That stuff you and your mother get - with the poached eggs and avocado..."

"Would you like the salad or the toastie ?"

"The one you get."

"What would you like, Grandpa?"

"Nothing from here.  I'll go to that other place..."

Suddenly, a whiff of something stinky.  Familiarity.

"I'm just going to change Lyla's nappy, Granny"

"Can I give her some of this banana I bought her?"

"Yes, as soon as I've changed her"

Lyla walked around the cafe table.  Squashed banana in hand.  "Ta, ta"


Lunch arrived to the table.  Grandpa returned from his lunch venue of choice.  I realised I was cutting my own food in toddler sized portions.  And eating them.


We realised that some coins had gone missing.

"Lyla, open your mouth for mummy"

Frantic search.

And then... I found them.  Under the saucer.  Stuck to the saucer, actually.

"Do you think it's time for a train ride?" asks Sarah

"Yes!" I responded.

Later still....

Walking the Grands to the mall's rear entrance, where they were to meet the community cab driver and return home, Gran stopped her wheelie and grabbed my arm.  "Can you hold my bag, so I can put Lyla on my walker?" She plopped her black shopping bag onto the floor in the middle of the walk-way.   I grabbed it before the contents spilled out.

Sarah was walking on  - pushing Ruby, (who was grinning back at her, comfortably seated - and promoted - snuggled in a fluffy blankie in the chair part of their "double decker" twin pram).  She turned to see where Lyla was.

By this time, Granny had covered some distance and Lyla was sitting - delighted like queen of the castle - on the seat of Granny's walker. Her tiny fists showing white knuckles.

Sarah gave me the eye

"You're bad, Muriel

"Not my idea.  It wasn't my idea...."

Nearer to the rear entrance, Grandpa stopped me, whizzed his walker around and turned me around, so that we had our backs to everybody else.

Secret Service.

"I'm going blind.  I came into the mall and all I could see was blur.  Can you phone Dr Dunlop?"

"Of course. I will do it today"

I haven't.  I forgot.  But I've remembered now, so I will write it in my planner.  

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